Multi-Genre Writer

Laura Diaz de Arce's

Corner of the Internet

Statement on Missing eBooks

I got to wake up to some nightmare news from my publisher the day before thanksgiving. Apparently Amazon had suddenly terminated their Kindle Direct Publishing account alleging multiple accounts. The publisher says this isn’t true and really, it sounds like the whole thing is probably a clerical error, on who’s end, I don’t care.

Either way, it means that eBook versions of MASK OF THE NOBLEMAN and MONSTROSITY aren’t available. MONSTROSITY: Relatos de Transformación, the Spanish edition is also unavailable.

And all this could not have happened at a better time- right before the busiest shopping days of the year. Hands down, my largest sales come from Amazon, and eBook copies are exclusive to Amazon because that’s the only way to tap into Kindle Unlimited.

They also seemed to have scrubbed any reviews that were associated with eBook copies, which is terrible. Review activity is necessary for the algorithm and honest reviews help readers find books that best fit them. And because the majority of people don’t leave reviews, each one is like gold. This whole situation has screwed all of us under Next Chapter and none of us have any real recourse except to wait.

I’m sorry if you no longer have access to your eBook copy either through purchase or through Kindle Unlimited. I can’t currently do anything, it all has to go through the publisher. I’ll be updating on here and social media. Thank you for your understanding.