Multi-Genre Writer

Laura Diaz de Arce's

Corner of the Internet

Looks Like The Rain Has Come


Hello Friends,

The Florida dry season has relented, and now we are gracefully doused and drowning in rolling storms.

The older I get, the more concerned I get about the weather. I guess having a body that doesn’t bounce back from frequent weather changes makes weather something necessary to consider.

About two years ago I started getting severe pressure headaches before a storm. Tylenol would help, but the only real relief happened when the sky broke open and the pouring rain equalized the pressure. I became despondent, waiting for each storm and for the world to flood with water, just so the pain behind my eyes would go away.

My pressure headaches are less frequent now, but that does not mean that I am any less invested in the rain. This dry season felt especially dry, and I would try to coax the rain by watering the grass of my plants. Because, obviously, if you want it to rain, you must tease it by doing a chore it would easily do AND by wasting your time.

I sometimes imagine the rain to be a woman. And we are locked in this passive-aggressive battle of wills. She and I are rivals, friendly enemies. I wanted rain, but now that rain (for numerous reasons) has made my pool largely unusable to me.

See? Frenemies.

Hurricane season starts next week. The Taino believed that the goddess Guabancex, caused these storms. She was the goddess of destruction, and was thought to have a volatile temper. I can respect someone with a similar temperament.

But the rain beats timid now on my window, a shadow of its former and future fury. It is times like this we are not angrily making any sort of contest, though I will clearly lose and be the victim, but are at a cease fire. She waters my plants and I sip tea in the warmth of my home. These are pleasant moments, until the pressure drops and we will be at odds once more.

See you on the flip side amigxs. 

    -La Queta