Multi-Genre Writer

Laura Diaz de Arce's

Corner of the Internet

I'm Only In It For The Memes

So, um…

A lot has happened since I last blogged. I had to take a last minute week off to recoup from a very busy number of days. But in the span of that, a global pandemic has hit my county. As of this writing, we have 38 confirmed cases in Broward alone.



Did not think the end of the world would start with a toilet paper shortage, but when you think about it, it only makes sense.

Between pandemics, extra work at work, and moving, I have not found the time or disposition to write. Some people can write through stress and exhaustion.

I am finding, I’m not one of those people.

Instead, I need a certain amount of melancholy and rest to get my head right. Being in the thick of things isn’t conducive to my creativity. I’m a person that needs to puzzle things, to muddle. I’m a muddler.

Between brown boxes, hand sanitizer, phone calls and e-mails (so many e-mails), I find I am unwilling to sit and write. There are a lot of writers out there who can write every day, rain or shine, no matter what has happened. And I find that advice and routine rather snobbish if we’re being honest.

Our lives are often at the whim of millions of little pressures. Pressures to produce, to work, to earn income, to be social. At some point that pressure gives way, some can make art. Others, like me, can only blog on an off our.

The real heroes?

They are making memes.

In all honesty, the fact that my generation and gen z have been turning this human tragedy into jokey jokes is the only things saving me. Make your joys people. That slow, dark humor is all we’ve got. That and our apocalypse snacks.


See you on the flip side amigxs. 

    -La Queta

P.S. We ate all your apocalypse snacks already. Sorry. k. thanx. byeeee

Laura Diaz de Arce